
When you spawn into Querencia, you’ll be sitting on the hillside beside the township of Cozyville. In front of you, you will see across the town, and looking out over the water. There’s no mob spawning in the town, no PvP, and no building (except by designated Builders).

The town consists of a central market, and 32 building plots around it. These are purchasable, and you can build yourself a house, or a town building, or whatever you like really!

The currency in Querencia is Cozy Coins (¢). You will start with a balance of ¢6000. Building plots on the outer ring cost ¢5000 and on the inner ring ¢7000. You can purchase a plot by right-clicking on the sign, and then you’ll be able to build on your new plot.

There are shops in the central market where you can buy and sell basic natural resources. You can also create your own shops on a plot you’ve purchased if you have crafted items to sell, or specific items you wish to buy for above-market rates.

Please note that this is a very new server and there might be a few teething problems as we get setup. If you notice any issues, please let one of the owners know!

Commands and How-Tos

Check your balance

Use this command in the text chat:


Buy a plot

Sell a plot

Buy/sell from shops

Create a shop

> 1
> b 1:0.5 s
> Cobblestone